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Blwyddyn 6

Croeso i ddosbarth Blwyddyn 6!

Tymor Yr Hydref

Autumn Term

Thema: Rydw i’n perthyn…

Theme: I belong to…

Diwrnod Gwefr Gwyddoniaeth yn Ysgol Y Creuddyn/Super Science day at Ysgol Y Creuddyn

Defnyddio afalau o ardd yr ysgol i greu crymbl/Using apples from the garden to make apple crumbles

Diwrnod Sanau Od!/Odd Socks Day!

Sgwrs gan PC Dylan yn ystod Wythnos Gwrthfwlio/A talk by PC Dylan during Anti-bullying Week

Meddwl am ffyrdd o 'Ymestyn allan' at eraill yn ystod Wythnos Gwrthfwlio/Thinking of ways that we can 'Reach out' to others during Anti-bullying Week

Dewis tîm ar gyfer cystadleuaeth cynghrair pêl-droed ffantasi!/Choosing a team to take part in the fantasy football league competition!

Ysgrifennu bywgraffiad o bêl-droediwr/Writing a biography of a footballer

Dysgu am ddiogelwch tân/Learning about fire saftey

Gweithdy gan Technocamps/Technocamps workshop

Gweithdy cerdd a moli gan y Parchedig Carol Thomas ac Andrew Roberts/A music and praise workshop with the Reverend Carol Thomas and Andrew Roberts

Gwasanaeth Nadolig yn yr Eglwys gan y Parchedig Gareth Erlandson/A Christmas Service in the Church held by the Reverend Gareth Erlandson

Tymor Y Gwanwyn

Spring Term

Thema: Edrych Trwy’r Ffenest

Theme: Looking through the window 

Creu cerrig Codi Calon ar gyfer Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant/Creating Positivity Rocks for Children’s Mental Health Week

Darllen Stori’r Creu i ddisgyblion blwyddyn 2 a 3/Reading the Story of Creation to pupils in years 2 and 3

Cwblhau Adolygiad Amgylcheddol i’r Cyngor Eco/Completing the Environmental Review for the Eco Council

Rhai o flwyddyn 6 yn mwynhau twrnamaint pêl-droed yr Urdd/Some of the pupils from year 6 enjoying a football tournament!

Ymchwiliad: Gwrthrychau Tyloyw, Tryleu, Didraidd

Investigation: Transparent, Translucent, Opaque objects

Darllen a phlotio cyfesurynnau/Reading and plotting coordinates

Gweithdy gan Dŵr Cymru/A workshop by Welsh Water

Tymor Yr Haf

Summer Term

Thema: Y Byd Mawr Crwn

Theme: The Big Wide World

Diolch PC Dylan am ddod i sgwrsio gyda ni am ymddygiad gwrth-gymdeithasol/Thank you PC Dylan for coming in to talk about antisocial behaviour

Sesiwn Diogelwch y Môr ym Mhorth Eirias/Sea Saftey session in Porth Eirias

Rydym wedi bod yn darllen y nofel Ta Ta Tryweryn y Tymor yma Cawsom gyfle i gael dadl dosbarth gyda rhai ar ochr Cyngor Lerpwl ac eraill ar ochr Cymuned Capel Celyn.


We have been reading Ta Ta Tryweryn this term. During our lessons we had the chance to have a class debate. Some of us were on the Liverpool Council side and others were on the side of the people of Capel Celyn.

Barod ar gyfer ein dadl dosbarth! /Ready for our class debate!

Hyfforddiant ‘Chwarae yn Gymraeg’. Diolch i Llio o’r Urdd!/‘Playing in Welsh’ course. Thank you Llio from the Urdd!

Cyflwyno am wledydd gwahanol y byd o flaen dosbarth Bl. 4 a 5/Presenting about different countries to years 4 and 5
