Croeso i’r Dosbarth
Meithrin, Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1
Tymor y Gwanwyn 2023 - Edrych trwy'r ffenestr
Spring Term 2023 - Looking through the window
Rhew ac eira
Ice and snow
Llawer o waith dosbarthu - pren a plastic/ metel a gwydr/ dillad gwahanol dywydd.
Lots of sorting - wood and plastic/ metal and glass/ clothes for different weather
Robin goch yn chwilio am gartref
Little robin red breast, looking for a home
Creu pictogramau yn dangos hoff dywydd y plant.
We made pictograms showing our favourite kind of weather.
Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen a Cariad @ Urdd
Dysgu am y lili wen fach
Learning about snowdrops
Rydym yn caru canu cân - O lili wen fach
We love singing the snowdrop song
Plant bach prysur tu hwnt!
Busy bees!
Arbrofi i weld pa ddeunydd yw'r gorau i wneud ein ffenestri lliw yna mynd i weld ffenestri lliw yr eglwys.
Experimenting to see which material is best for making our stained glass windows and we also visited the church to see the stained glass windows there.
Cyfri fesul 2
Counting in 2's
Diolch i flwyddyn 4,5 a 6 am ddarllen storiau'r creu roeddent wedi bod yn brysur yn eu hysgrifennu.
Thank you to year 4,5 and 6 for coming to read their stories about the creating of the world that they've been busy writing.
Chwarae rôl stori arch Noa, cyd-weithio er mwyn creu arch Noa anferth yn yr ardd, a chreu synnau hefo'r offerynnau cerdd i gyd-fynd â'r stori.
Role playing Noah's ark story, working as a team to create a giant Noah's ark in the garden and creating sounds with the musical instruments to go with the story.
Dysgu am gynhwysedd.
Leaning about capacity.
Arbrofi hefo cymysgu lliwiau cyn i ni fynd ati i beintio lliwiau'r enfys.
Experimenting with mixing colours so we can learn how to paint a rainbow.
Dysgu llythrennau
Leaning our alphabet
Dysgu am arnofio a suddo.
Learning about floating and sinking.
Trefnu rhifau
Ordering numbers
Diwrnod yn llawn hwyl a sbri hefo'n ymbarels - dosbarthu, disgrifio, mesur, dawnsio, cawod o lawr hefo can dŵr, yna dylunio a chreu ein hymbarels ein hunain.
A fun packed day with our umbrellas - sorting, describing, measuring, dancing, rain showers with watering cans, then we designed and created our own umbrellas.
Dewis rhywle da i osod ein poteli mesur glaw.
Choosing a good spot to place our rain gauge.
Roedd llawer o ddŵr yn ein mesurydd glaw ar ôl i ni gael yr holl eira. Roedd yr eira wedi ymdoddi yn y potel.
There was a lot of water in our rain measuring bottle after we had two days of snow. The snow melted inside the bottle.
Siapiau 3d
3d shapes
Ysgrifennodd Zippy lythyr atom yn dweud ei fod yn drist am nad oedd ganddo got i fynd allan i chwarae yn yr eira. Aethom ati i ddysgu beth oedd gwrth-ddŵr ac arbrofi i weld pa ddeunyddiau oedd y gorau i wneud cot iddo.
Zippy wrote a letter to the class saying how sad he'd been because he couldn't go out to play in the snow. We learnt about waterproof materials and experimented to see which material was best to make a coat for Zippy.
Mae Zippy a'i ffrindiau wrth eu boddau hefo'u cotiau newydd plastic sy'n wrth-ddŵr.
Zippy and his friends love their new coats which are made out of plastic, which is waterproof.
Aethom ati i ddysgu am y dyfeisiwr Charles Macintosh ac arbrofi drwy greu brechdan ffabric i weld beth oedd yn ei wneud yn wrth-ddŵr, fel ac y gwnaeth Charles Macintosh.
We learnt about the inventor Charles Macintosh and experimented by making fabric sandwiches to discover what would make them waterproof, just as Charles Macintosh did.
Gweithdy gwyddoniaeth Sbarduno.
Sbarbuno came to give us a science workshop
Creu barcud gwrth-ddŵr hefyd.
We also made waterproof kites.
Creu patrwm ar anrheg Sul y mamau.
Making patterns on our Mother's Day gift.
Tymor yr Haf - Y Byd Mawr Crwn
Summer Term - The Big Wide World
Llais y plant ar ddechrau'r thema.
The children's voice at the beginning of our theme
Iaith lleoliad - o flaen, tu ol, wrth ymyl, ar ben, tu mewn, o dan
Position language - in front of, behind, next to, on top of, inside, underneath
Dysgu am fynydd mwyaf Cymru sef Yr Wyddfa. Gwaith adeiladu a mesur, ac hefyd dysgu am flodyn prin, Lili'r Wyddfa.
Learning about the largest mountain in Wales, Yr Wyddfa. Building and measuring and we also learnt about the very rare flower, Lili'r Wyddfa (Snowdon lily).
Mae hi'n braf cael bod tu allan!
It's lovely spending time outside!
Amcangyfrif sawl blodyn sydd yn yr hwp ac yna eu cyfri’n ofalus.
Estimating how many flowers are in the hoop and then counting to see how close we were.
Wyddoch chi bod bron i 10 miliwn o ddefaid yng Nghymru? Mae tri dafad i bob person sy'n byw yma! Dyma ni'n arbrofi hefo gwahanol ddulliau o brintio defaid ac hefyd yn grwpio a chyfri fesul 10 at 100 ar ol i ni gael stori'r Ddafad Golledig yn y Beibl. Rydym wedi bod yn teimlo gwlan dafad hefyd a dosbarthu eitemau meddal a chaled.
Did you know that there's nearly 10 million sheep in Wales? That's three sheep to every person who lives here! We have been experimenting with different ways of printing sheep, and grouping and counting in 10s to a 100 after we heard about the Lost Sheep in the Bible. We've also been feeling wool and sorting objects which are soft and hard.
Dysgu am beth sy'n teimlo'n llyfn ac yn arw.
Learning about what feels smooth and rough.
Fedrwch chi weld y llythyren d?
Can you see the letter d?
Wyddoch chi bod 427 o gestyll yn Nghymru heddiw? Cawson drip gwerth chweil i Gastell Gwrych Abergele a dyma ni'n darganfod sawl wy draig!
Did you know that there's 427 castles in Wales today? We had a fabulous trip to Gwrych Castle and discovered many dragon eggs!
Roedd y plant yn awyddus i gael castell yng nhornel chwarae rol y dosbarth.
The children were eager to have a castle roleplay corner in the class.
Creu catapwlt. Oes modd gwneud i'r pom pom fynd yn uwch?
Making catapults. Can we get the pom poms to go higher?
Rydym ni wedi adeiladu cleddyfau,
We've built swords!
Chwarae hefo bwa saeth a chadw sgor.
Using a bow and arrow and keeping score.
Adeiladu cestyll
Building castles
Creu cleddyf hir, byr a chanolig, amcangyfrif a mesur.
Making long, short and medium sizes swords, estimating and then measuring.
Dysgu am Owain Glyndwr, lliwio ei darian a chreu tarian anferth hefo natur.
We learnt about Owain Glyndwr, coloured in his shield a made giant shields with nature.
Daeth y plant a eitemau o ar draws y byd i ddangos a dweud.
The children brought in items from around the world to show and tell.
Dysgu am ddyblu rhifau, a dyblu ryseit yn y gegin fwd.
Learning about doubling numbers, and doubling a recipe in the mud kitchen.
Datblygu sgiliau pwytho a gwehyddu.
We developed our sewing and weaving skills.
Blasu ffrwythau yn dilyn stori Syrpreis Handa (Kenya), yna casglu data o'n hoff ffrwyth a chreu graffiau tu allan hefo natur.
Tasting fruit following the story - Handa's Surprise (Kenya), before collecting data showing our favourite fruit and using nature to create graphs outside.
Dysgu mwy am Kenya a cherddoriaeth Affrica.
Learning more about Kenya and African music.
Gwaith pwyso, a chwilio am bethau trymach ac ysgafnach tu allan.
Weighing objects and finding things that are heavier and lighter outside in the garden.
Kerbcraft - Blwyddyn 1 cael gwersi diogelwch y ffordd
Kerbcraft - Year 1 learning about road safety
Cymharu Cymru hefo Kenya a chreu cadwen Affricanaidd patrymog
Comparing Wales with Kenya and we also made patterned African necklaces
Coedwig law y dosbarth
Our class rainforest
Dyna drueni bod pobl yn torri coedwigoedd law y byd. Cawsom fraw mawr wrth glywed am Bydi yr orangwtan yn colli ei gartref. Sut allwn ni helpu ein planed arbennig ni? Mae ailgylchu y bwysig iawn er mwyn lleihau gwastaff yn y byd.
What a shame that some people are cutting down the rainforests. We were shocked to hear the story of Buddy the orangutan who lost him home. How can we help our precious planet? Recycling is very important to our planet, it helps reduce waste.
Mae ail-ddefnyddio pethau hefyd yn helpu'r blaned. Dyma ni'n ail-ddefnyddio papur brown sydd wedi dod mewn parsel ac hefyd yn ail-ddefnyddio tiwbiau papur toilet er mwyn creu anifailiaid y goedwig law.
Re-using things also helps our planet. Here we are re-using brown paper that came in a parcel. We also re-used toilet paper rolls to make rainforest animals.
Gwneud dad hefo natur fel anrheg Sul y tadau.
We made our dads out of nature for Father's Day.
Dysgu enwau rhannau o'r corff a chyffwrdd priodol ac amrhiodol.
Learning the names of different parts of the body and what is appropriate and inappropriate touch.
Pasbort pawb yn barod i hedfan i Awstralia ar yr awyren hir hir!!
Passports ready to fly to Australia on our very very long plane!!
Creu symbolau 'Aboriginal'
Making Aboriginal symbols
Lluniau dotiau Aboriginal
Aboriginal dot painting
Roedd y bobl 'Aboriginal' yn defnyddio natur i beintio, felly dyma ni'n mynd ati i arbofi hefo natur i greu marciau. Dyma ni'n defnyddio dail a cherrig, clai a mafon.
The Aboriginal people used nature to paint, so he we are experimenting with nature to make marks. We used leaves and stones, clay and raspberries.