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Cyngor Eco / Eco Council Archive 2017-2018

Diolch i blant Blynyddoedd 3, 4, 5 a 6 yn ogystal â'r cwmni 'Vinyls4u' yng Ngaerwen am faner mor effeithiol fydd yn gobeithio hyrwyddo pwysigrwydd arafu wrth yrru drwy'r pentref.


Thank you to Years 3, 4, 5, and 6 as well as the company 'Vinyls4u' in Gaerwen for such an effective banner, hopefully promoting the importance of driving slowly through the village.

Plant yr ysgol yn brysur yn paratoi bwyd i'r

adar a'r pili palas yn yr ardd.

The children have been busy preparing food for the birds and the butterflies in the school garden.


 Hoffai'r Cyngor Eco a Mrs Evans ddiolch i bawb gyfrannodd tuag at y casgliad o fwyd taug at Fanc Bwyd Ardal Abergele.


The Eco Council and Mrs Evans would like to thank everyone that contributed with food towards the Abergele District Food Bank.

Cyngor Eco yn cyflwyno gwasanaeth i'r ysgol gyfan.

Gweithgareddau i godi ymwybyddiaeth disgyblion o ddinasyddiaeth fyd eang a phwysigrwydd prynu cynnyrch Masnach Deg.

Cawsom hwyl gyda'r holl weithgareddau.


The Eco council giving the school assembly.

Activities to raise pupils' awareness of global citizenship and the importance of purchasing Fair Trade products.

We had lots of fun with the various activities.

Hoffai'r Cyngor Eco a Mrs Evans ddiolch yn fawr iawn i bawb gyfrannodd tuag at y casgliad Bag2school diwethaf -

Codwyd £200.00.


The Eco Council and Mrs Evans would like to thank everyone that contributed to the last Bag2school collection -

£200.00 was raised.

Roedd Koolschools, Masnach Deg Cymru / Masnach Deg Conwy a staff a disgyblion Ysgol y Creuddyn wedi gwahodd y Cyngor Eco i seminar i ddysgu am yr anghydraddoldebau a'r heriau yn y diwydiant dillad byd-eang. Cawsom hefyd y cyfle i gwrdd â Mr Viswaraj Maghoo, siaradwr Masnach Deg o Fauritius. Diolch yn fawr iawn.


Koolschools, Fairtrade Wales / Conwy Fairtrade and staff and students of Ysgol y Creuddyn invited the Eco committee to a seminar to learn about the inequalities and challenges in the global clothing industry. We also had the opportunity to meet Mr Viswaraj Maghoo, a Fairtrade speaker from Mauritius. Thank you very much.

Diolch i'r Cyfnod Sylfaen am adeiladu Gwesty Trychfilod/Thanks to Foundation Stage for building the Bug Hotel

Yr Ardd

Mae'r ardd a'r polytunnel yn datblygu'n dda. Mae'r disgyblion yn cofio dyfrio yn rheolaidd.


The Garden

The garden and the polytunnel are looking well. The pupils remember to water everything regularly.

Ein Cyngor Eco / Our Eco Council


Y Cyngor Eco 

Ein nôd yn ystod 2017-2018 yw parhau gyda'r gwaith gwych a'r safonau sydd wedi eu sefydlu yn barod. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau parhad gyda'n statws o ennill y Faner Werdd am yr ail dro.


Mae'r disgyblion wedi eu hethol i fod yn aelodau o'r Cyngor Eco.

Bydd y Cyngor Eco yn cynorthwyo'r ysgol i edrych ar ôl yr amgylchedd drwy:


Arbed Ynni

Lleihau Sbwriel


Arbed Dลตr


Tir yr Ysgol

Dinasyddiaeth Fyd Eang


Rydym yn cyfarfod o leiaf unwaith y tymor i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r angen i ofalu am ein hamgylchedd. Rydym yn trefnu nifer o ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau yn ogystal â chynnal gwasanaethau ysgol gyfan er mwyn rhannu ein syniadau.


The Eco Council

Our goal during 2017-2018 is to continue with our great work and high standards. 

    This will secure Our Green Flag status that we've won now for the second time.


The pupils have been elected as members of the Eco Council

The Eco Council assists the school to look after the environment by:


Saving energy

Reducing Waste


Saving Water


School Grounds

Global Citizenship


We meet at least once a term in order to raise awareness of the need to care for our environment. We organise various events and activities and hold school services to share our ideas.



Ein Côd Eco / Our Eco Code



Cynlluniwyd gan Phoebe BL5 / Designed by Phoebe Y5

Ein bwriadau am y flwyddyn / Our intentions for the year

2017 - 2018

Erthygl - Daily Post / Daily Post - Article

Being a rural school surrounded by farms, Ysgol Betws yn Rhos decided that they too should make the most of the fruitful land and grow their own vegetables.

The only problem being, they needed a facility that they could learn how to grow the vegetables during any weather.


Mrs Evans and the Eco Committee for the school decided that a Polytunnel situated on the school grounds would ensure an ideal environment in which to grow their vegetables and teach the children about horticulture. The problem being that polytunnels do not come cheap.

After investigating possible grants for the project, Mrs Evans and her team got in touch with  'Tesco's Bags, Keep Wales Tidy'.  They applied for a grant through creating a full business plan highlighting the benefits for the children and local community and received £500.

This money was used to buy the very much needed polytunnel. 


With winter closing upon us and the nights getting shorter by the day, the Eco Community have decided to spend the next few months planning their polytunnel in order to get the biggest yield and discussing how the children can make it a sustainable project financially.

When spring arrives, Ysgol Betws yn Rhos, with help from parents and the local community will erect the polytunnel and start planting.

The hope is that children from the school, alongside parents and volunteers from the community will grow a reasonable amount of vegetables so that they can sell in order to finance seeds and equipment ready for the next yield.

As well as learning how to run a financial sustainable project within the school, children will experience and learn first hand the importance of eating healthy and growing your own food.


Below is Mrs Evans and the Eco Committee receiving the cheque for £500.
