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Cyngor ysgol School Council Archive 2017-2018

Ein Cyngor Ysgol 2017-18

Our 2017-18 School Council


Bore Goffi Macmillans 29/9/17

Ein Llysgenhadon Hawliau Plant ~ Our Children's Rights Ambassadors

Cyflwyniad ar 'Hawliau' plant ~ An introduction on our 'Rights' as children

Cyngor Ysgol 2016-2017 ~ Our School Council for 2016-2017

Trefnwyd diwrnod hwyliog i ddathlu penblwydd Roald Dahl yn 100 oed.  Gwisgodd y plant fel cymeriadau storiau Roald Dahl, neu ei hoff liw, melyn.  Diolch i bawb am eu cyfraniad tuag at elusen plant Roald Dahl.  Llongyfarchiadau i Harris a Martha am y gwisgoedd gorau, mwynhewch y 'Wonka Bars!'  Diolch i'r cyngor ysgol am drefnu.


The School Council arranged a fun packed day to celebrate what would have been Roald Dahl's 100'th birthday.  The children came to school dressed as one of Roald Dahl's characters, or in his favourite colour, yellow.  Thank you to everyone for your contribution towards Roald Dahl's children charity.  Congratulations to Harris and Martha for the best fancy dress.  Enjoy the Wonka bars!

Bore Goffi Macmillan Coffee Morning

Diolch i'r Cyngor ysgol am drefnu'r bore Goffi ar fore Gwener 30ain o Fedi. Llwyddwyd i godi £210 tuag at yr elusen. Diolch yn fawr iawn i bawb a gyfrannodd.

A big thank you to the School Council for organising the macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 30th September. We raised £210 towards the charity. Thank you all that contributed.

Diolch i bawb sydd wedi dod a bocs Nadolig i blant llai ffodus na ni yn y byd.

Thank you to everybody who brought a Christmas shoe box, to give children in the world who are less fortunate than us.

Roedd pawb yn smotiog iawn ar ddiwnod plant mewn angen, a dyma ni'n hel £60

Diolch i bawb.

Everybody was very spotty on children in need day this year, and we raised £60.

Thank you to everybody.

Diwrnod Trwyn Coch/  Red Nose Day


Roedd pawb wedi gwisgo mewn dillad doniol, a cawsom ddiwrnod prysur yn addurno bisgedi trwyn coch, gwerthu trwynau coch, cael helfa trwynau coch, gemau balwns coch, dylunio trwyn coch a stondin gacennau hefyd.  Diolch i bawb am godi £109 at achos da.


Everybody wore something funny to school and we enjoyed a fun packed day.   We decorated red nose biscuits, sold red noses, had a red nose treasure hunt, played games with red balloons, designed red noses and also has a cake stall.  Thank you everybody for helping to raise £109.





Gweithgareddau 2015-2016 Activities

Diolch i'r Cyngor Ysgol am drefnu diwrnod coch a pinc ar Ionawr 25ain, sef diwrnod Santes Dwynwen.  Daeth pawb a swp o bres man er mwyn sillafu 'Ysgol Betws yn Rhos' a chalonnau ar y buarth.  Casglwyd dros £60 at ymgyrch y galon.  Gwych!

Many thanks to the school council for arranging a pink and red day on January 25th, which is Santes Dwynwen's day (the Welsh equivalent to Valentine's day).  Everybody brought in a lot o loose change to spell out 'Ysgol Betws yn Rhos' and  create hearts on the school yard.  We raised over £60 for the British Heart Foundation.  Excellent!

Diwrnod Plant mewn Angen/Children in Need Day 18/11/16

