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Dosbarth Mrs Pegg

Croeso i'r dosbarth Meithrin, Derbyn a Blwyddyn 1

Welcome to the Nursery, Reception and Year 1 class

Athrawes/Teacher - Mrs Rowena Pegg

Cymhorthydd/Teaching Assistant - Mrs Alwena Evans

Thema dosbarth - Ionawr 2015

Class theme - January 2015

Plant bach prysur! Busy little children!

Thema tymor y Pasg/ Theme for the Easter term

Ein Bad Achub! - Our Lifeboat!

Daeth P.C Meirion draw i'n gweld - P.C Meirion came to see us

Ras gychod ~ Boat race

Darllen yn yr ardd ~ Reading in the garden

Diolch i Mr Ted Waston o'r RNLI am ddod i sgwrsio hefo ni ~ Thank you Ted Watson from the RNLI for coming to talk to us
