Croeso i'r dosbarth Meithrin!
Tymor yr Hydref/Autumn Term
Thema ein dosbarth ar gyfer hanner cyntaf tymor yr Hydref yw'r Enfys. Rydym wedi cael llawer o gyfleoedd i ddysgu am liwiau. Rydym wedi cael 'lliw yr wythnos' ac wedi arddangos eitemau o'r lliw penodol ar fwrdd arbennig am yr wythnos gyfan. Rydym wedi dysgu caneuon sy'n trafod lliwiau ac wedi cael gwneud amrywiaeth o weithgareddau sy'n datblygu ein gallu i adnabod lliwiau.
Our theme for the first half of the Autumn term is the Rainbow. We've had many opportunities to learn about colours. There has been a 'colour of the week' and we've displayed different items of the colours on a special table for a whole week. We've sung songs to help us learn the colours and have taken part in a variety of activities that have developed our ability to recognise our colours in Welsh.
Ail Hanner Tymor Hydref/Autumn Second Half Term
Ein thema ar gyfer ail hanner tymor yr Hydref oedd y 'Siop'. Cawsom gyfleoedd i ddysgu am y bwydydd gwahanol sydd yn ein siopau ac o ble mae rhai o'r bwydydd hynny'n dod. Roeddem wrth ein boddau yn chwarae rôl yn y siopau amrywiol oedd gennym yn y dosbarth ac yn defnyddio arian i dalu am ein heitemau. Hefyd, cawsom gyfleoedd i ddysgu sut i ddefnyddio'r Bee-Bot a cheisio ei symud o siop i siop. Cyn y Nadolig cawsom gyfleoedd i greu cardiau, cael parti yn y dosbarth a chwarae yng Ngroto Sion Corn.
Our theme for the second half of the Autumn term was the 'Shop'. We have had opportunities to learn about the different foods that are in our shops and where some of those foods come from. We loved playing in the various shops that were set up in our role play area and used money to pay for our items. Also, we had opportunities to learn how to use the Bee-Bot and try to move it from one shop to another. Before Christmas we created cards, had a party in class and played in Santa's grotto.
Tymor Y Gwanwyn/Spring Term
Cawsom gyfleoedd yn ystod ail hanner tymor Y Gwanwyn i ddysgu am wledydd o amgylch y byd. Cawsom gyfleoedd i greu ein pasbort ein hunain a chwarae rôl ym maes awyr y dosbarth. Cawsom gyfleoedd i ddathlu'r flwyddyn newydd Tsieiniaidd trwy wneud gwahanol weithgareddau. Gwnaethom waith ar y stori 'Sypreis Handa' oedd yn rhoi cyfloedd i ni ddysgu am Kenya. Yn ogystal, cawsom gyfleoedd i ddathlu Pythefnos Masnach Deg a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau Dydd Gŵyl Dewi.
We had opportunities during the second half term of the Spring term to learn about countries around the world. We created our own passport and played role play in the class airport. We celebrated the Chinese New Year by taking part in various activities. We read the story 'Handa's Surprise' and completed many tasks based on the story. Through this story we learnt about Kenya. Also, we celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight and took part in Saint David's Day activities.
Tymor yr Haf